The Empire’s capital lies in ruins after the devastation at the hands of Räz Numera, known by many as the Harbinger of Death. Sentenced to a life in solitary confinement, he continues to work on unlocking the memories implanted in his brain in hopes of finding a way to defeat the Shaedon.
Meanwhile, Netherea’s occupation by the Shaedon continues unabated. They forge ahead with their plans to destroy the planet, despite the defeat of the Architect. How they manage to bring resources to the planet remains a mystery to everyone. However, the Alliance and Empire are combining forces to liberate the planet.
Convinced that the key to bringing down the Shaedon is hidden within the ancient Luminar tomes, High Councillor Máraxi Wihara of the Ninth Circle orders her best to gather all missing volumes to unlock the Prime Spell of Air, which is said to be the Xoron’s only hope for redemption.
In oktober 2015 debuteerde Jeffrey Debris met The Fall of Netherea en in december 2016 was het de beurt aan het tweede boek, The Zar’aranos Deception. Beide boeken zijn enthousiast ontvangen door liefhebbers van fantasy-science-fiction. Vanaf circa de derde week van maart 2019 is het derde boek van de trilogie beschikbaar: The Xoron Redemption. Dit buitengewoon spannende slot laat zien dat Jeffrey Debris een topschrijver is in zijn genre!
De serie The Shaedon Resurgence is geschreven voor volwassenen maar kan zeker ook gelezen worden voor young adults vanaf 16 jaar.
Wil je een gesigneerd exemplaar? Vermeld dat dan bij het plaatsen van je bestelling.
M. Reubzaet (geverifieerde eigenaar) –
The third and final installment of this series is possible the bloodiest of all, which fits the development of the plot. The known characters have developed in a logical way, and in this volume no new characters are introduced. A really cool thing to see is that a couple of background characters are returning (and the character list at the end of the book will help refresh the memory of those readers who do not catch on to it immediately).
Again, a great arc of suspense is created, which I personally find quite a feat in a third installment!
The end of the story remains very exciting till the final chapter. Because of all the contradictory information and the fact we see things unfold through exactly the right characters, the reader will only see the whole image at the very end – quite extraordinary!
I find it very hard to write even a minimal synopsis of the plot without spoilers. This is really a series one needs to read for themselves to experience the depth of characters, the detail in descriptions, and the plot twists that will draw you in and keep you captivated from start to finish.
Philip Fontana –
“The Xoron Redemption,” Book III of “The Shaedon Resurgence” trilogy, offers the reader intensity on every page, driving the plot to free planet Netherea, home of the Xoron people, from Shaedon control, taken from the ancient Luminar people. To do so, the forces of the Xoron Alliance and the Zar’aranos Empire are eventually combined under the command of the Xoron naval Admiral Xer’xis. It is too easy to say author Jeffrey Debris is a genius of a writer. –Better to state what a mind he has to come up with such ideas!
The author manifests this quality in two ways. 1) He creates inventive conceptions of situational scenes. –Two examples of many: The trance-like Spiritwalk taken by Raz, main protagonist, led by the old Kevar Whitemane, on planet Urdak III, back to three Luminar temples as if in ancient times. And Grummus, second protagonist, on planet Verdantia VII, leading a host of main players – -Lerion, Emeron, Avatica, Sedora, and Karakydilus—being transmitted by Raw Air magicka from a stone circle to an up-to-date temple room with machinery harvesting magicka. 2) The author imagines unusual constructs of beings with various dimensions, powers, or magicka. –Again, two examples of many: The combination of The Custodian, created by the ancient Luminars of Netherea to protect their history and knowledge, and his empowering Raz with powers to defeat the Shaedon with his orb, magicka, and memories hidden in the recesses of his mind, ultimately, The Prime Spell of Air. And both Gan’darra the Architect and Ambassador Sha’hasra, both Shaedon with the uncanny ability to possess the bodies of others as their vessel, only divulged by their black eyes!
Integral and essential to the many situational scenes and unusual beings is the search for eight ancient Luminar silver tomes/books holding the promise of how to defeat the Shaedon. Jeffrey Debris brings all this together in what is a masterful ending to his Book III and his trilogy.
Anna López Dekker –
“The Xoron Redemption” is een meeslepend boek, vol spanning en onverwachte momenten. Alle personages die je als lezer de eerste twee delen van de trilogie kende, en waar je een bend mee had gekregen, komen terug en blijven zich ontwikkelen. Het verhaal brengt alle lijnen die eerder uitgezet waren magistraal samen tot één groot geheel waarbij alles met elkaar verbonden blijkt.
Het enige minpuntje voor mijn was dat ik wat meer verwijzingen had gewild naar de eerdere delen, of desnoods een samevatting ervan aan het begin van het boek. Dit omdat er behoorlijk wat tijd zat tussen het lezen van deel twee en dit laatste boek.
Daarentegen was het einde van de trilogie gewoonweg geniaal! Totaal onverwacht en toch compleet logisch. Een volledige ontknoping en toch een open einde. Hoe dat mogelijk is? Om daar achter te komen zal je het boek moeten lezen, en dat kan ik zeker aanraden.